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Selectboard Meeting Minutes 06/15/05
JUNE 15, 2005

Selectboard Present:    Brenda Ferland, Jon LeClair, Steven Neill

Staff Present:          David Edkins, Administrative Assistant
                        Keith Weed, Highway Superintendent
                        David Duquette, Water & Sewer Superintendent
                        Edward Smith, Police Chief
                        Robert Davis, Transfer Station Superintendent
                        Jerry Beaudry, Ambulance Service Director
                        Regina Borden, Recording Secretary

CALL TO ORDER & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE:  Chairperson Brenda Ferland called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Ambulance Service:  Ambulance Director Jerry Beaudry submitted a memo to the Selectboard dated June 1st, 2005, explaining the proposed ambulance fee schedule.  The rates were last adjusted in 2004.  Medicare is phasing in the COBRA Act and will disallow some of the miscellaneous items that had previously been reimbursable.  Cardiac monitoring and oxygen administration are no longer covered by Medicare and Medicaid, therefore, they are eliminated from the proposed rate changes but Paramedic Intercept Services have been added.  Paramedic Intercept Services will not be billed to the patient but rather to the ambulance service requesting the intercept.  Charlestown is lucky to have three paramedics; it is a good service.  They also still bill by the mile and for IV administration.  It is common for most private insurance companies to follow what Medicare does with their reimbursements to medical providers.  Non-residents are charged slightly more than residents.  Jon LeClair asked if the paramedic intercept is Medicare allowable.  Jerry Beaudry said Medicare only allows the patient to be billed for the paramedic intercept service if the ambulance service that called for it is a volunteer service; two ambulance services cannot bill the patient for the same service.  There were no comments from the public in attendance.  Brenda Ferland noted that Charlestown still is not any where near what other ambulance services charge.  Jerry Beaudry said many ambulance services charge over and beyond these rates.  

Jon LeClair moved to adopt the proposed increases as presented by the Ambulance Service to be effective July 1st, 2005.  Steve Neill seconded the motion.

Steve Neill is concerned with the percentage of the increase on some services because a lot of people do not have any insurance and are struggling now so this will be a burden; some of the numbers could have been reduced.  Jerry Beaudry knows there are hardship cases but they have to bill everybody equally.  They do not say that they have to collect from everybody; bills or portions of bills can be abated for hardship.  Steve Neill said the Selectboard gets a list for abatements after the second year they are over-due.   He has reservations as some people will pay their bill even if it means going without medication, food or fuel.  Jerry Beaudry would be in favor of a statement on the bottom of the bill stating that if payment is a hardship the people can contact the Selectboard.  Jon LeClair stated that maybe these rate increases would offset some of the abatements.      

        Vote:  With all in favor, the motion carried.

Solid Waste Disposal:  Robert Davis explained that the request is to increase the “over the scale” tipping fee for solid waste from $90.00/Ton to $95.00/Ton.  The three locations where trash is disposed of are charging $90.00 and $87.00 and after the trucking is figured into the tonnage the Town is not even breaking even.  There were no comments from the public in attendance.

Steve Neill moved to increase the “over the scale” tipping fee from $90.00/Ton to $95.00/Ton to be effective July 1st, 2005.  Jon LeClair seconded the motion.  With all in favor, the motion carried.

Plumbing & Electrical Permits:  Dave Edkins reported that this proposed increase was requested by the Building Inspector and the Deputy Building Inspector.  The recommendation is to increase Plumbing & Electrical Permit fees from $10.00-Residential and $20.00-Commercial to $25.00 for all Permits.  The $10.00 fee does not even cover the cost of going out to make the inspections to make sure that the codes are effective.  There were no comments from the public in attendance.

Jon LeClair moved to increase the Plumbing & Electrical Permit fees from $10.00-Residential and $20.00-Commercial to $25.00 for all Permits to be effective July 1st, 2005.  Steve Neill seconded the motion.  With all in favor, the motion carried.                         

Use of Town Buildings:  Dave Edkins advised that these fees are for the use of the Community Room and other Town buildings.  This is basically for clarification.  
·       Charlestown Based Non-Profit Organizations - $50.00 Refundable Deposit to be returned if building is left clean and without damage.
·       Private Parties and Other Organizations - $100.00 with $50.00 to be returned if building is left clean and without damage.
These rates are for a one-time use.  Some non-profit organizations like the Boy Scouts or churches use the building on a routine basis and if they continue to keep the buildings clean they use them at no charge.  Police Chief Smith asked if anybody checks after the buildings have been used.  Dave Edkins responded that Ron LeClair used to but in the future the Town will have to be more diligent about this.  

Steve Neill moved to adopt the Fees for Use of Town Buildings as follows:  1) Charlestown Based Non-Profit Organizations - $50.00 Refundable Deposit to be returned if building is left clean and without damage; and 2) Private Parties and Other Organizations - $100.00 with $50.00 to be returned if building is left clean and without damage.  This is a clarification of the present policy and will be effective on Monday, June 20th, 2005.  Jon LeClair seconded the motion.  With all in favor, the motion carried.

The Public Hearing closed at 7:24 P.M.


Two bids were received and opened for highway work to be done on the South Hemlock Road and Unity Stage Road.  
M.P. Flynn bids:  South Hemlock Road- $79,926.95 and Unity Stage Road- $90,921.65
Lane Construction bids: South Hemlock Road-$96,321.75 and Unity Stage Road- $105,714.10.

Steve Neill moved to table a decision until the Highway Advisory Board and Keith Weed have had the opportunity to review the bids.  Jon LeClair seconded the motion.  With all in favor, the motion carried.


Steve Neill moved to approve the Minutes of the regular Selectboard meeting of June 1, 2005, as printed.  Jon LeClair seconded the motion.  With all in favor, the motion carried.

Steve Neill moved to approve the Minutes of the Non-public Selectboard meeting of June 1, 2005, as printed.  Jon LeClair seconded the motion.  With all in favor, the motion carried.

Water and Sewer Departments:  Dave Duquette reported that they have been installing meter pits including one at the pool and solved the water pressure problem on Main Street.  They are also installing meters.  Water bills have gone out.  He is working on some things for testing waivers.  The problem on Cummings Avenue was taken care of, the owner was there and pictures were taken before and after.  

A request was received from Fred Poisson regarding a Water Abatement.  Today was shut-off day but this one was deferred pending the Boards’ decision.  Steve Neill said the Town has a policy, similar situations were discussed in the past and he thought this one was denied.  Dave Duquette spoke about repeated abuse by some owners of multiple units.  It is the Town’s responsibility to warn tenants of potential shut-offs and that results in the department incurring additional man-hours, postage for the notifications and staying later on shut-off days to turn the meters back on for people who pay their bills.  There was discussion relative to increasing the off-and-on fees.  Dave Edkins suggested that on shut-off days the Water and Sewer Department could adjust their hours to start later in the morning and work later into late afternoon.

Dave Edkins talked to McFarland-Johnson and they are standing by their stormwater calculations on the Fling Road sewer project.  He talked with Matt Belden at Daniels Construction and they have a hydrologist who will take a fresh look at that by measuring the flows going through the culvert.  The charge would be $2,000 - $3,000.  The quote to do the sewer line without the bridgework would be $32,718.00.  Dave Edkins could do the work required on the Wetlands Permit as long as they provide him with all the technical engineering information.  The Town has the money to do this but it leaves us without any contingency if there is a problem.  The original quote was $61,375 for the bridge, $25,000 to do the sewer line and $8,500 for engineering, erosion control, planning, permitting, etc.  The new quote is for $25,000 to do the sewer line and $7,718 for mobilization, erosion control and restoration.   

Jon LeClair moved that the Selectboard authorize Daniels Construction to get in touch with the engineering firm to have the engineering firm do another flow study not to exceed $3,000.  Steve Neill seconded the motion.  With all in favor, the motion carried.

A letter was received from a resident asking to be reimbursed for repairs to her roof drain.  SCI was putting a sewer line in through Hammond Acres but during the digging the roof drain was separated from this residence.  There was discussion relative to trying to get reimbursed from SCI but is it fair to make the contractor wait to see if this happens.  A letter and copy of the bill will be forwarded to Provan and Lorber who will contact SCI.  If the Town pays the bill it will come out of a Water or Sewer account.  A decision was made to wait a week or two to see what the response from Provan and Lorber will be.  

Police Department:  Chief Smith talked with Gateway Motors and the cruiser will be delivered on July 11th.   At the present time the old cruiser is running okay.  The Town of Acworth has put everything “on-hold” for now; they do not want to cancel their agreement with Charlestown.

Transfer Station:  Bob Davis reported that sometime between Saturday night and Monday afternoon the Transfer Station was hit by lightning.  The scale company came in yesterday and put in a new indicator but it will have to be calibrated.  They may need a new computer.  The insurance coverage has a $1,000 deductible.       

Dave Edkins advised that the Landfill Closure Plan was approved by the State.  As long as the groundwater sampling stays good the Town will be okay with the State.  

Highway Department:  Keith Weed reported that one of the trees in Patch Park was taken down.  The department is still pot hole patching.  They used two loads of calcium chloride and one more load should be coming in.  Out of 17 miles of dirt road there was enough calcium chloride to do 6 roads.  On Unity Stage Road the drainage is completed and they are cleaning out the culverts.  While the road is closed they are cutting out the trees and on Friday the tree company will be here to do the ones around the power lines.  The new truck came in but it is in Concord for the plow wing, etc.

Old Acworth Stage Road:  Daryl Osgood, a resident on Old Acworth Stage Road, advised that the letters were received about maintenance on the road.  When he moved there you could barely use the road with four-wheel drive.  He has maintained that road for thirteen years.  He does that type of work every day and his boss allows him to use their equipment when needed.  Dave Edkins said the letter was not meant to say that the residents did a bad job on the road but just to make them aware that the Town still has responsibilities for that road so if they are going to do more than routine maintenance they should notify Keith Weed or the Selectboard.  They just want to know who is working on the road and what is going on.  

Daryl Osgood noted that there are a few issues on the road.  There is a neighbor at the end who pushed tree stumps out to the edge of the road and is now dumping other debris out there.  Eventually the stumps will fall into the ditch.  Another neighbor is throwing the brush all over.  Another neighbor put up a fence 5’ outside the stone wall so it is in the right-of-way.  The road is not that wide.  Dave Edkins feels the stumps and fence issues should be addressed by the Town as obstructions in the right-of-ways.  One of the same neighbors allows their kids to run four-wheelers right up and down the road and spin around.   Bob Frizzell had the same problem with them riding around in his fields.  Police Chief Smith will take care of the problem with the four-wheelers.  Dave Duquette talked to the same kids a number of times, they wouldn’t tell him where they lived but he tracked them, and he is going to post the Town area near the Clay Brook reservoir because they are tearing that up.  Another resident on the road said many of the residents have farm tractors.  They use stone and gravel from St. Pierre’s and take brush out.  Daryl Osgood always thought the road was a scenic road but Dave Edkins will check as it is not on his list.  The Selectboard requested that Daryl Osgood meet with Keith Weed to discuss what he does for maintenance on the road.  Chief Smith would appreciate a call when they have equipment in the road so the emergency services can be made aware of it.  

A resident advised that he has a dumping ground on his property.  Sometimes it is mattresses and windows but now there are wood frames.  In the past he has taken these items to the Transfer Station.  He asked about taking the wood frames to the Transfer Station at no charge.  Bob Davis said to bring them in.

Freedom Bells:  Rick St. Pierre said Brenda Ferland always jokes when she goes to the Rotary Penny Sale that she never wins a freedom bell.  He presented one to Brenda Ferland as well as one each to the other Selectboard members.

NON-PUBLIC SESSION (if necessary) – RSA 91-A:3 II

Jon LeClair moved to enter into a Non-public session pursuant to RSA 91-A:3 II (a) Personnel.  Brenda Ferland seconded the motion and, on a roll call with all in favor, the motion carried.  The time was 8:25 P.M.

The regular meeting resumed at 9:12 P.M.

Transfer Station:  It was noted that the Transfer Station is right-on-track with the budget.  Brenda Ferland provided information to Tom Minickiello regarding the number and destination of trips made out of the Transfer Station.

School Funding Plan:  Brenda Ferland voted “no” on the latest School Funding Plan.


The Selectboard reviewed items on the Continuing Agenda as follows:
Senior Land Parking Layout:  Dave Edkins explained that this was to set out a small parking area near the front by the Fire Station for people who use the trails.

Adelphia Franchise:  This will be taken off the Continuing Agenda as Adelphia is in bankruptcy and in the process of being bought out by another company.

Passing on Main Street:  This is not within the jurisdiction of the Town.  Passing on the right on Main Street is a State matter.

Depot Street Roadway:  Keith Weed will be asked to look at the Depot Street roadway issue.

Pavers In Front of Dan’s:  Dan has been talking to Keith Weed about something other than pavers.  The Selectboard does not need to do anything right now.

FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATIONPayroll, Purchase Orders, Vouchers, Warrants, Abatements, Etc.:  The Ambulance Service payroll was signed.

The Selectboard asked Dave Edkins to do something about the file drawer where the Selectboard file is kept as it is crowded and difficult to take the file in-and-out.

Purchase Orders:  The Selectboard approved and signed the following Purchase Orders:  1) Highway Department – D & E Tree Service for removal of trees on Unity Stage Road $1,500.00.  

Steve Neill noted that it seems they are signing purchase orders on a regular basis that are already history; it is a formality.  The concept is to approve a purchase before the items are ordered.  Jon LeClair and Brenda Ferland agreed, acknowledging that there are emergency situations.  Dave Edkins will speak to Pat Royce about it and a reminder memo will be sent to all Department Heads.

Pat Royce submitted a request for underground cable installation between the two buildings and for two additional phones.  Two estimates are $1,190.32 and $1,005.00.  Pat Royce feels there will be a higher degree of service for the higher amount as they will come back a second time if needed.  There will be an additional charge of $260.00 to get the dead lines removed.  The Selectboard approved the request.

Notice of Intent to Excavate:  The Selectboard approved a Notice of Intent to Excavate for Normand Beaudry.   

Warrant – Dog List:  The Selectboard signed the Warrant for Unlicensed Dogs.

Abatements:  The following Abatements were approved:  1) A Water and Sewer Abatement in the amount of $61.00 due to a mistake in the billing; 2) A Water and Sewer Abatement in the amount of $142.73 due to an error; and 3) Water and Sewer Abatements in the amounts of $120.90 and $98.03 as they were over-billed.

Recreation Department:  A request was received from the Recreation Committee for Tracy Fairbanks to be appointed as a member of the Committee.  Brenda Ferland noted that her husband is on the Recreation Department Board and she does not believe it is a good idea to have family members on the same board.  Dave Edkins said there are three vacancies on this board.

There was no additional correspondence to come before the Board.

Flood Plain Maps:  There will be a meeting next Tuesday, June 21st, in Newport on the new Flood Plain maps.  Dave Edkins will plan to attend.  

County Budget Hearing:  The County Budget Hearing is tomorrow night.  Brenda Ferland will plan to attend.

Conservation Commission – Steve Neill:  Steve Neill reported that the Conservation Commission has not met since the last Selectboard meeting.

CEDA – Steve Neill:  Steve Neill attended the CEDA meeting last night but they did not have a quorum.  

Solid Waste Committee – Jon LeClair:  Jon LeClair advised that the Solid Waste Committee has not met since the last report was made.

Ambulance Department – Jon LeClair:  Jon LeClair attended the Ambulance Department meeting last Wednesday night.  There was no new business.  

Heritage Commission – Brenda Ferland:  Brenda Ferland reported that the Heritage Commission has not yet met this month.

Planning Board – Brenda Ferland:  Brenda Ferland advised that the Planning Board met last Tuesday.  They approved a two-lot subdivision on the Breakneck Hill and Stonebridge Roads for Landmark Land Sales, LLC.  The parking lot expansion for the Charlestown Senior Citizens Club on the Old Springfield Road was approved.  The Economic Development Chapter for the Master Plan was reviewed with Vicky Boundy of the Upper Valley Lake Sunapee Region Planning Commission.

There being no other business, Brenda Ferland moved for adjournment.  Jon LeClair seconded the motion and with all in favor the meeting adjourned at 9:52 PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Regina Borden, Recording Secretary                      Approved,

Brenda L. Ferland, Chair                Jon B. LeClair                  Steven A. Neill

(Note:  These are unapproved Minutes.  Corrections, if necessary, may be found in the Minutes of the July 6th, 2005, Selectboard meeting.)